Yaozheng Fang

Chang Tang Nature Reserve, Xizang, China.

Aloha there! I am a third year Ph.D. candidate at College of Computer Science of Nankai University, coadvised by Tao Li and Ye Lu. I am affliated with Nankai Intelligent Computing System (ICS) Lab.

I'm currently a visiting scholar at National University of Singapore (NUS) supervised by Prof. You Yang with the sponsorship of China Scholarship Council (CSC).

My research interests include intelligent computing system, computer achitecture, and virtual machine design.

Email: fyz@mail.nankai.edu.cn

Links: [CV] [Google Scholar] [DBLP]


  • PaVM: The first smart contract virtual machine with multiple-thread mechanism.
  • SmartVM: The first smart contract virtual machine that supports fast on-chain DNN computations.
  • ATOM: Provides architectural supports to update contract economically and fast executing in instructionwise for the first time.
  • FPICR: Provides solutions for smart contract-based access control in internet of things scenarios.


  • (2023/10) Give an invited report about high-performance smart contract architecture @ College of Computer Science, Nankai University. [Slides (zh-cn)] [Poster (zh-cn)]
  • (2023/04) Gave a talk about blockchain virtual machine @ National Integrated Circuit Forum, Chongqing, China.
  • (2023/02) The work SmartVM is reported @ The 5th China Blockchain Conference, Wuxi, China. [Slides (zh-cn)]



  • PaVM: A Parallel Virtual Machine for Smart Contract Execution and Validation
    Yaozheng Fang , Zhiyuan Zhou , Surong Dai , Jinni Yang , Hui Zhang , Ye Lu
    In IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
    [Cite] [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Online]

  • DRS: A Deep Reinforcement Learning enhanced Kubernetes Scheduler for Microservice-based System
    Zhaolong Jian , Xueshuo Xie , Yaozheng Fang , Yibing Jiang , Ye Lu , Ankan Dash , Tao Li , Guiling Wang
    In Software: Practice and Experience
    [Cite] [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Online]

  • TSC-VEE: A TrustZone-Based Smart Contract Virtual Execution Environment
    Zhaolong Jian , Ye Lu , Youyang Qiao , Yaozheng Fang , Xueshuo Xie , Dayi Yang , Zhiyuan Zhou , Tao Li
    In IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
    [Cite] [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Online]


  • SmartVM: a smart contract virtual machine for fast on-chain DNN computations
    Yaozheng Fang , Tao Li , Ye Lu* , Jinni Yang , Zhaolong Jian , Zhiguo Wan , Yusen Li
    In IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
    [Cite] [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Online] [Slides (zh-cn)]

  • Block-gram: Mining Knowledgeable Features for Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection
    Tao Li , Haolong Wang , Yaozheng Fang , Zhaolong Jian , Zichun Wang , Xueshuo Xie
    In Smart Computing and Communication (SmartCom 2022)
    [Cite] [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Online]


  • ATOM: Architectural Support and Optimization Mechanism for Smart Contract Fast Update and Execution in Blockchain-Based IoT
    Yaozheng Fang , Tao Li , Zhaolong Jian , Xueshuo Xie , Ye Lu* , Guiling Wang
    In IEEE Internet of Things Journal
    [Cite] [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Online] [Slides (zh-cn)]

  • Fast Policy Interpretation and Dynamic Conflict Resolution for Blockchain-Based IoT System
    Yaozheng Fang , Zhaolong Jian , Zongming Jin , Xueshuo Xie , Ye Lu , Tao Li
    In Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
    [Cite] [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Online]

  • AWAP: Adaptive weighted attribute propagation enhanced community detection model for bitcoin de-anonymization
    Xie Xueshuo , Wang Jiming , Ye Junyi , Fang Yaozheng , Lu Ye , Li Tao , Wang Guiling
    In Applied Soft Computing
    [Cite] [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Online]

  • Trusted-DNN: A TrustZone-based Adaptive Isolation Strategy for Deep Neural Networks
    Zhuang Liu , Ye Lu , Xueshuo Xie , Yaozheng Fang , Zhaolong Jian , Tao Li
    In Proceedings of the ACM Turing Award Celebration Conference (ACM TURC '21)
    [Cite] [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Online]

  • WIP: Sysnif: Constructing Workflow from Interleaved Logs in Intelligent IoT System
    Zongming Jin , Xueshuo Xie , Yaozheng Fang , Zhaolong Jian , Ye Lu , Guangying Li
    In 2021 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM)
    [Cite] [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Online]


  • Blockchain-driven anomaly detection framework on edge intelligence
    Xueshuo Xie , Yaozheng Fang , Zhaolong Jian , Ye Lu , Tao Li , Guiling Wang
    In CCF Transactions on Networking
    [Cite] [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Online]

  • Attribute Propagation Enhanced Community Detection Model for Bitcoin De-anonymizing
    Jiming Wang , Xueshuo Xie , Yaozheng Fang , Ye Lu , Tao Li , Guiling Wang
    In Machine Learning for Cyber Security (ML4CS 2020)
    [Cite] [BibTeX] [Abstract] [Online]

12 papers totally.

Honors & Awards

  • (2023/11) CIE Outstanding Paper Award (for SmartVM)
  • (2023/10) Nankai University Gongneng Scholarship (the 2nd class)
  • (2023/07) Scholarship from China Scholarship Council (CSC)
  • (2022/10) China National Scholarship for Doctoral Students 2/122
  • (2022/10) The First Prize Scholarship of Nankai University 10/122
  • (2022/10) Outstanding post-graduate of Nankai University 6/122
  • (2021/10) CIE Top 10 Outstanding Paper Award (for ATOM)
  • (2021/10) Nankai University Gongneng Scholarship
  • (2020/10) Nankai University Gongneng Scholarship
  • (2019/10) Nankai University Gongneng Scholarship

Industrial experiences

  • Research intern @ Singapore office of HPC-AI Technology Inc.
    12/2023 - Now
    Focuses on the design and optimizations of the distributed training systems. Especially working on the Colossal-AI framework.

  • Research intern @ 2012 Research Center of Huawei Technology Co, Ltd.
    06/2023 - 08/2023
    Focuses on the design and optimizations of the distributed training for MoE-based large models.

  • Research intern @ Zhejiang Lab
    06/2022 - 10/2022
    Focuses on the systematical design of blockchain-based trusted distributed computing.

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